Impact of autumn mowing on the arithmetic mean (± 95 % CI) of A Shannon index B the number of individuals and C the number of species/types. Asterisks indicate significant effects of the factor mowing regime as derived from linear mixed models (* p < 0.05; ** p < 0.005; *** p < 0.001). Shannon: p < 0.001, DF: 1,392, F-ratio: 121.8; Number of individuals: p < 0.001, DF: 1,55, F-ratio: 21.9; number of species/morphotypes: p = 0.60, DF: 1,56, F-ratio: 0.2651 (n = 6).

  Part of: Unterweger PA, Klammer J, Unger M, Betz O (2018) Insect hibernation on urban green land: a winter-adapted mowing regime as a management tool for insect conservation. BioRisk 13: 1-29.