Research Article
Research Article
Potential risk resulting from the influence of static magnetic field upon living organisms. Numerically simulated effects of the static magnetic field upon model complex lipids
expand article infoWojciech Ciesielski, Henryk Kołoczek§, Zdzisław Oszczęda§, Wiktor Oszczęda§, Jacek A. Soroka|, Piotr Tomasik§
‡ Jan Długosz University, Częstochowa, Poland
§ Nantes Nanotechnological Systems, Bolesławiec, Poland
| Scientific Society of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland
Open Access


Background: Recognising effects of static magnetic field (SMF) of varying flux density on flora and fauna is attempted. For this purpose, the influence of static magnetic field is studied for molecules of five complex lipids i.e. such as β-carotene, sphingosine, ceramide, cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine.

Methods: Computations of the effect of real SMF 0.0, 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 AMFU (Arbitrary Magnetic Field Unit; here 1AMFU > 1000 T) flux density were performed in silico (computer vacuum), involving advanced computational methods.

Results: SMF polarises molecules depending on applied flux density. Only β-carotene survives exposure to SMF of 10 and 100 AMFU without radical splitting of some valence bonds. Molecules of remaining lipids suffered radical cleavage of some bonds on exposure to SMF of 10 and 100 AMFU. Manipulation with applied flux density provides either inhibition or stimulation of biological functions of the lipids under study.

Conclusions: SMF destabilises complex lipids to the extent depending applied flux density. Biological functions of β-carotene are fairly sensitive to SMF, whereas only slight response to the effect of SMF is observed in case of sphingosine, ceramide and cholesterol. Enzymatic hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine is stimulated by SMF regardless of the catalysed enzyme employed.

Key words

β-carotene, ceramide, cholesterol, phosphatidylcholine, sphingosine


Lipids play a diverse role in animal and plant organisms. They co-constitute biological membranes and triglycerides, located in adipose tissue, play a role in a major form of energy storage of animals and plants (Wang 2004; Dinasarapu et al. 2011; Berg at al. 2019).

Other functions involve transporting fat-soluble vitamins, oligosaccharides across cell membranes, participation in polysaccharide biosynthesis, activation of certain enzymes and formation of the basis for steroid hormones (Gohil and Greenberg 2009). Such role of lipids prompted us to extend this study. For that purpose, in our studies on the effect of Static Magnetic Field (SFM) upon biologically important components of plant and animal cells, we focused, amongst others, on lipids. In our former paper (Ciesielski et al. 2022), attention was paid to lipid acids and acyl glycerides. This paper is devoted to recognising the effect of SMF upon some model complex lipids, that is, β-carotene (carotenoids), cholesterol (sterols), sphingosine and ceramide (sphingolipids) and phosphatidylcholine (phospholipids) which are the most essential components of that group of compounds.

β-Carotene, a hydrocarbon with 11 conjugated double C=C bond systems is known as a lipid antioxidant (Anguelova and Warthesen 2008) and the precursor of A-vitamin. One molecule of β-carotene can be cleaved by the intestinal enzymes β,β‐carotene‐9′,10′‐mono-oxygenase into two molecules of vitamin A (Biesalski et al. 2007), whereas β,β-carotene 15,15’-mono-oxygenase does it eccentrically (Eroglu and Harrison 2013).

Sphingosine (2-amino-4-octadecene-1,3-diol) forms a primary part of cell membrane sphingolipids. Involving two type kinases, it is phosphorylated into sphingosine-1-phosphtate accounting for signalling lipids (Kataoka et al. 2005; Gergely et al. 2012; Huwiler and Zangemeister-Wittke 2017).

Ceramide (Fig. 3) is the sphingosine with a long fatty acids acylated amino group. It occupies cell membranes. Further modification with the phosphatidylcholine group leads to sphingomyelin constituting a lipid bilayer (Eder et al. 2022). Additionally, it participates in the differentiation, proliferation and programmed cell death mechanism (Siskind et al. 2002, 2006; Stiban et al. 2006). In this work as a simple model for calculation, except for long fatty acid amides, the formamide was accepted.

Cholesterol (Fig. 1) a specific unsaturated alcohol includes a cyclopentaphenanthrene (CPP) moiety. The C=C bond and the secondary hydroxyl group determine its chemical reactivity. Amongst others, cholesterol acts as a lipid antioxidant. The CPP moiety is common for steroids. Hence, apart from several physiological functions, it is a precursor of steroids – important biocatalysts formed enzymatically through steroidogenesis (Häggström and Richfield 2014).

Figure 1.

Numbering atoms in the molecules of complex lipids. Orientation of molecules against x-axis is marked with red lines.

Phosphatidylcholine, a phospholipid, is a major component of cell membranes and pulmonary surfactant. It is also a membrane-mediated cell signalling factor (Kanno et al. 2007). In this work, for simplification of calculations, a shorter 1,2-dibutyryl ester was taken.

The biological role of those molecules in living organisms of flora and fauna rationalises including them in our systematic studies on the influence of Static Magnetic Field (SMF) on biologically important elements of living cells. Thus, this report is devoted to advanced numerical simulations of SFM of 0, 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 AMFU (Arbitrary Field Density) arbitrary units performed for those molecules. The results could also be interesting for developing and functioning novel materials (Ramburrun et al. 2022) and systems (Smułek et al. 2023) of biomedical and food applications. Potentially, application of SMF of various field densities could offer either stimulation or inhibition of some processes as well as changing of the pathways.

Materials and methods

Numerical computations

Computations of the effect of real SMF 0.0, 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 AMFU (Arbitrary Magnetic Field Units; here 1AFU > 1000 T) flux density were performed in silico (computer vacuum), involving advanced computational methods. The procedures follow those described in our former paper (Ciesielski et al. 2022).

Numbering atoms in particular molecules under consideration are presented in Fig. 1.].

Results and discussion

The effect of SMF of flux density from 0 to 100 AMFU upon heat of formation and dipole moment of five complex lipids is demonstrated in Table 1. Tables 28 present the effect of SMF in terms of charge density on selected atoms directly participating in biological activity of those lipids and bond lengths between those atoms. When the SMF of flux density generated the radical through extremely expanding some C-H bonds, only data for electron atoms carrying unpaired electrons are quoted. The data for the remaining atoms are omitted as they deal with molecules of radical character and, hence, with specific biological activity.

Table 1.

Heat of formation (HF) [kJ.mole-1] and dipole moment (DM) [D] of complex lipid molecules at flux density varying from 0 to 100 AMFU.

Molecule HF [kJ.mole-1] at flux density [AMFU] DM [D] at flux density [AMFU]
0 0.1 1 10 100 HF0 –HF100 0 0.1 1 10 100 DM 100-DM0
β-Carotene -158 -151 -142 -106 -81 -77 0.25 0.31 0.71 0.93 1.53 1.28
Sphingosine -1364 -1302 -1211 -1023 -817 -547 5.84 6.23 8.17 10.36 13.52 7.68
Ceramide -1659 -1621 -1584 -1428 -985 -674 5.94 6.18 9.68 11.41 13.85 7.91
Cholesterol -531 -501 -464 -403 -306 -225 1.62 1.78 2.06 3.57 6.51 5.89
Phosphatidylcholine -1254 -1174 -1086 -964 -721 -533 2.48 2.94 3.85 5.13 12.15 9.67


A decrease in the negative value of heat of formation (Table 1) provides clear evidence for the destabilising effect of SMF upon the molecules of the lipids under consideration. That effect increased with an increase of the applied flux density. Accompanying increase in dipole moment of those molecules points to elongation of bonds and facility of polarisation of the molecules as the reason of destabilisation.

The effect of SMF upon the stability of considered molecules increases in the order:

β-carotene < cholesterol < phosphatidylcholine < sphingosine < ceramide, whereas the accompanying increase in the values of the dipole moment arranges in the order:

β-carotene < cholesterol <sphingosine < ceramide <phosphatidylcholine, suggesting that the polarisation of the bonds is not the sole effect involved.

Amongst the five molecules under consideration (Fig. 1), β-carotene is the sole molecule surviving the effect of 100 AMFU flux density without generating radical split bonds. The remaining molecules already generated radicals on exposure to 10 AMFU (Tables 28).

Table 2.

Charge density [a.u] on the C atoms of the conjugated double bond chain of β-carotene.

SMF [AMFU] Charge density [a.u.] at SMF flux density [AMFU]
C4 C1 C92 C82 C81 C76 C75 C74 C73 C72 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C31 C32 C34 C35 C36 C42
0 -.065 -.282 .221 -.676 .351 -.416 -.202 -.245 .384 -.345 -.031 -.209 -.115 .198 -.171 -.310 -.205 .212 -.549 .199 -.262 -.095
0.1 -.115 -.249 .213 -.593 .321 -.388 -.225 -.221 .329 -.337 .002 -.191 -.108 .143 -.154 -.317 -.185 .170 -.568 .191 -.231 -.149
1 -.132 -.212 .209 -.763 .232 -.316 -.286 -.158 .166 -.338 .149 -.096 -.107 -.003 -.114 -.343 -.139 .083 -.725 .196 -.193 -.178
10 -.134 -.198 .207 -.781 .204 -.298 -.307 -.144 .126 -.416 .204 -.002 -.124 -.037 -.102 -.353 -.130 .061 -.743 .201 -.179 -.178
100 -.208 -.058 .200 -.488 .158 -.050 -.509 .005 -.371 -.161 -115 -.163 -.279 -.388 -.004 -.564 -.158 .001 -.396 .204 -.061 -.207

The role of β-carotene as an antioxidant involves the whole conjugated double C=C bond system of the molecule. The process is due to trapping molecules of triplet oxygen following the radical mechanism. Such a process is stimulated by a low polarisation of bonds accepting oxygen. The length of the double bonds in the β-carotene molecule increases with an increase of flux density (Table 3). It is accompanied by either an increase or decrease in the charge density on the atoms of the bonds depending on their positions in the chain.

Table 3.

Flux density dependent lengths [Å] of the double bonds potentially involved in oxidative reactions of β-carotene.

SMF [AMFU] Bond length [Å] at flux density [AMFU]
C4=C1 C92=C82 C81=C76 C75=C74 C73=C72 C25=C26 C27=C28 C29=C30 C31=C32 C34=C35 C36=C42
0 .825 .825 .825 .825 .825 .825 .825. .825 .825 .825 .825
0.1 .811 .841 .837 .840 .841 .784 .842 .842 .838 .842 .845
1 .888 .892 .878 .888 .889 .715 .899 .901 .887 .900 .899
10 .905 .911 .895 .909 .911 .674 .915 .923 .984 .920 .915
100 1.033 1.098 1.085 1.128 1.027 .782 1.023 1.117 1.076 1.091 1.026

This is surprising because it only applies to bonds located in the middle of the conjugated chain, in which, from a chemical point of view, all bonds are almost identical.

Review of Table 2 shows that, in such manner, some bonds turn more polar and some lose their original polarity in respect to that maintained in the molecule situated out of SMF. It suggests only a small effect of SMF upon a functioning β-carotene as an antioxidant and, depending on the applied flux density, varies the position of the reaction of that molecule with triplet oxygen. The enzymatically catalysed conversion of β-carotene into A vitamin involves a rupture of the C25=C26 double bond with the addition of the oxygen atom. Since that reaction follows an ionic mechanism, this reaction is stimulated by an increase in the polarity of that bond. At 0.1, 1 and 10 AMFU, the polarity of that bond increased in order to decrease dramatically at 100 AMFU. Another enzyme - β,β-carotene 15,15’-monooxygenase splits the C31=C32 bond, producing β-apo-10’-carotenal and β-ionone. SMF of 0.1, 10 and 100 AMFU decreased the polarity of that bond, whereas SMF of 1 AMFU increased its polarity (Table 2).

Biological function of sphingosine requires its introductory enzymatic phosphorylation at the O1 atom to convert the phosphorylated product into sphingomyelin (Fig. 2: (1)):

Figure 2.

Structure of sphingomyelin.

The phosphorylation is stimulated by a high negative charge at the O1 atom. As shown in Table 4, SMF of 0.1 AMFU has no effect on that reaction and exposure to 1 AMHU slightly inhibits it. Exposure of sphingosine to 10 and 100 AMFU turns it to radicals. The positions of homolytic cleavage are marked in Tables 4 and 5.

Table 4.

Flux density depende nt charge density [a.u.] on particular atoms in sphingosine.a

SMF [AMFU] Charge density [a.u] on particular atoms at flux density [AMFU]
H25 O1 C2 H26 H27 C3 H28 N8 H10 H11 C4 H29 O7 H9 =C5 H30 =C6 H
0 .205 -.350 -.006 .080 .072 -.018 .080 -.349 .140 .165 .069 .094 -.335 .208 -.209 .138 -.150 .120
0.1 .195 -.350 -.018 .085 .093 -.042 .092 -.339 .137 .151 .053 .107 -.340 .195 -.288 .134 -.162 .126
1 .305 -.326 -.001 .020 .062 -.062 .065 -.327 .123 .147 .020 .109 -.345 .224 -.181 .129 -.153 .109
10 .204 -.090
100b .175 -.514 .140 .125 .119 .117 .114 .054 -.409 .208
Table 5.

Flux density dependent bond lengths [Å] between particular atoms in sphingosine.a

SMF [AMFU] Bond lengths [Å] at flux density [AMFU]
H25-O1 O1-C2 C2-H26 C2-H27 C2-C3 C3-H28 C3-N8 N8-H10 N8-H11 C3-C4 C4-O7 O7-H9 C4-H29 C4-C5 C5-H30 C5-C6 C6-H31
0 0.950 1.430 1.090 1.090 1.510 1.090 1.470 1.010 1.010 1.540 1.430 0.960 1.090 1.520 1.080 1.340 1.080
0.1 0.952 1.502 1.095 1.092 1.573 1.092 1.520 1.084 1.085 1.567 1.514 0.952 1.093 1.517 1.074 1.365 1.084
1 1.993 1.278 1.513 1.467 1.591 1.208 1.558 1.028 1.035 1.016 1.640 1.430 1.297 1.421 1.208 1.388 1.164
10 2.245
100 2.509 2.727 2.506 2.040 2.180

The negative charge on the O8 atom in ceramide is slightly modulated by SMF. At 0.1 AMFU, it slightly decreases in order to slightly increase at 1 AMFU. Higher flux density produces radicals as shown in Table 6.

Table 6.

Effect of SMF flux density on the reaction site charge density of ceramide and selected bond atoms in that molecule.a

SMF [AMFU] Charge density [a.u.] on the atoms of reacting hydroxyl group
O8 H9
0 -.358 .212
0.1 -.348 .199
1 -.361 .320
10 -.392 .348
100 -.398 .190
Length of bonds [Å]
C8-H9 C1-H6 O11-H60 C44-H57 C44-H58
0 .950
0.1 .962
1 1.729
10 2.142
100 2.508 2.161 2.037 2.351 2.301

SMF of 0.1 AMFU subtly decreases the polarity of the C2=C14 bond stimulating in this manner the role of cholesterol as antioxidant, but at 1 AMFU, the polarity of that bond increases, inhibiting that role of cholesterol. Simultaneously, the negative charge density on the O8 atom increases, stimulating reactivity of the OH group. SMF of 10 and 100 AMFU generates radical cleavage of certain bonds (Table 7).

Table 7.

Effect of SMF flux density on the reaction sites charge density of cholesterol and selected bond atoms in that molecule.a

SMF [AMFU] Charge density [a.u.] on the reacting site atom
O1 H27 C2 H28 C14
0 -0.333 0.251 -0.169 -0.131 -0.193
0.1 -0.343 0.251 -0.170 -0.148 -0.194
1 -0.389 0.382 -0.178 -0.142 -0.132
Bond length [Å]
C1-O27 C2-C14 C2-H28 O1-H27 C4-H33 C8-H39 C10-H46 C12-H49 C12-C13 C8-H41 C67-H69
0 1.430 1.336 1.000 0.960
0.1 1.330 1.531 1.123 1.143
1 1.199 1.385 1.142 1.518
10 2.162 2.496 2.138 2.059
100 3.032 3.413 2.844 2.780 2.347 2.048 2.780 2.981

There are three reaction sites in phosphatidylcholine, each employed by another enzyme (Fig. 3)

Figure 3.

Hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine with B, C and D phospholipases (Phl).

B, D and C phospholipases belong to the group of hydrolases. Their action should be stimulated by a high positive charge density on the P16 atom, whereas the hydrolysis with B phospholipase should be stimulated by a high positive charge density on the C3 atom. Data in Table 8 identify that SMF of 0.1 and 1 stimulated all three enzymatic hydrolyses. SMF of 10 and 100 AMFU generates radicals by splitting bonds shown in that Table.

Table 8.

Effect of SMF flux density on the reaction sites charge density of phosphatidylcholine and selected bond atoms in that molecule.a

SMF [AMFU] Charge density [a.u.] on the reacting site atom
O17 P16 O9 C3
0 -0.556 1.731 -0.547 0.261
0.1 -0.583 1.787 -0.578 0.271
1 -0.636 1.891 -0.640 0.278
Bond length [Å]
P16-O17 P16-O9 C3-O2 P16-O18 C15-H51 C13-H47 C6-H45
0 1.790 1.790 1.360
0.1 1.777 1.767 1.357
1 1.795 1.717 1.360
10 1.932 1.777 1.369 2.064 2.597
100 1.890 1.848 1.408 2.067 3.965 2.084 4.282


In terms of heat of formation, SMF destabilises molecules of the lipids under study. An increase in the polarity of the molecules is the main reason of observed effect. Amongst five complex lipids under consideration, only β-carotene survives exposure to 10 and 100 AMFU without radical cleavage of some bonds. SMF has a diverse effect upon a functioning β-carotene as antioxidant. Depending on the applied flux density, there is a variation in the position of the reaction of that molecule with triplet oxygen. The enzymatically catalysed conversion of β-carotene into A vitamin is stimulated by an increase in the polarity of that bond. At 0.1, 1 and 10 AMFU, the polarity of that bond increased in order to decrease dramatically at 100 AMFU. The reaction catalysed by β,β-carotene 15,15’-monooxygenase leading to β-apo-10’-carotenal and β-ionone is inhibited by SMF of 0.1, 10 and 100 AMFU and stimulated by SMF of 1 AMFU.

The phosphorylation of sphingosine, which is responsible for biological function of that lipid, remains unaffected by SMF of 0.1 AMFU and slightly inhibited by SMF of 1 AMFU. The biological function of ceramide is only slightly modulated by SMF. Flux density of 0.1 AMFU slightly inhibits it, whereas a weak stimulation takes place at 1 AMFU.

SMF of 0.1 AMFU subtly stimulates the role of cholesterol as antioxidant, but at 1 AMFU, inhibition of that role is observed. Simultaneously, the reactivity of the primary hydroxyl group is stimulated at SMF of 0.1 and 1 AMFU. SMF of 0.1 and 1 AMFU stimulates hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine with B, C and D phospholipases.

The presented results concern only changes caused by SMF in selected substrates, but all bioprocesses also involve enzymes. They are also exposed to SMF. We shall address that problem in our subsequent works.

Additional information

Conflict of interest

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Ethical statement

No ethical statement was reported.


No funding was reported.

Author contributions

Conceptualization: WC, PT. Formal analysis: JAS, HK, WC. Investigation: WC, ZO. Methodology: WC. Writing - original draft: WC. Writing - review and editing: PT.

Data availability

All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text.


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