Research Article |
Corresponding author: Aleksandrs Petjukevičs ( ) Academic editor: Pavel Stoev
© 2023 Aleksandrs Petjukevičs, Inta Umbraško, Natalja Škute.
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Petjukevičs A, Umbraško I, Škute N (2023) Prospects and possibilities of using Raman spectroscopy for the identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from turtle Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) skin. BioRisk 21: 19-28.
This study describes an express method for identifying microorganisms: Pseudomonas aeruginosa by standard Raman spectroscopy, without surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). The short-wavelength 514 nm Ar-Ion laser was used for P. aeruginosa spectral identification in the Raman shift range from 3200 cm−1 to 200 cm−1. The research results showed a high analytical and diagnostic sensitivity of the technology to the express identification of P. aeruginosa and can be used as one of the reliable methods. The proven technology is promising for further research of other microorganisms due to several significant advantages of the method. It does not require long-term cultivation of bacteria and special sample preparation, additional expensive reagents or consumables.
Bacteria, identification of microorganisms, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Raman spectroscopy, reptiles, turtle
Nowadays, microbiological research is an important and relevant activity in biology and medicine since these studies confirm or deny the presence of certain bacteria with high accuracy and reliability. The classical bacteriological research method and Automated bacteriological diagnostics by different identification systems, VITEK2, Phoenix, MALDI-TOF (matrix-assisted laser description/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectroscopy), Next-generation sequencing, solves the problem of isolating a pure culture of the pathogen with its subsequent identification, but it requires much time and financial investments. Thanks to microbiological research methods, it is possible to establish the causative agents of certain infectious diseases and choose a rational treatment for these diseases (
The study of microorganisms that are the causative agents of many infectious diseases is an urgent and important task and progress in solving this can only be achieved if various research methods are used, combining them to obtain the fastest, most reliable and economically justified results (
One of the possible methods for the identification of microorganisms is Raman spectroscopy. This method is based on the detection of the molecular structure vibrations of the object and has established itself as a reliable analytical tool in various fields of science (
Based on the preceding, the purpose of this study is to develop an express method for detecting and identifying the bacterium, P. aeruginosa, without the use of expensive SERS substrates with metallic gold or silver nanoparticles, based on Raman spectroscopy by analysing and comparing the obtained spectra of analysed samples with the test-control strain: P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853 (American Type Culture Collection), as well as optimising the conditions for obtaining spectra and also developing an algorithm for processing primary spectral information.
For the classic bacteriological method, ten free-living turtles, Emys orbicularis (L.) (European pond turtle), were collected and biological material was taken from the skin surface. The sampling site was Silene Nature Park NATURA2000 (Latvia) (55.690835°N, 26.788760°E) (Fig.
Raman scattering spectra were recorded using Renishaw inVia Raman Microscope (United Kingdom), equipped with an optical microscope, Leica DM 2500 (Germany). Raman scattered light from the sample collected through a microscope with a short-distance objective, Leica L 50×/0.50 (eyepiece: HC PLAN 10×/20) and analysed by an inVia Spectrometer. Scattered light focused on a Renishaw air–cooled Ren Cam CCD array detector with insertion/retraction speed > 20 mm s-1, repeatability < 0.5 μm, laser spot size ≤ 2 μm FWHM, spatial resolution 2 μm and a field of view > 25μm. During Raman spectroscopy, > 50 scans were accumulated for each sample. To improve the noise/signal quality ratio, the laser power was minimised (reduced sample self-fluorescence) and an excitation source Renishaw Stellar-Ren Ar-Ion laser with 514.0 nm wavelength (VIS: 2400 l/mm grating and back-illuminated CCD camera) was used. Lens-focused laser radiation on a quartz glass slide with the sample and Raman spectra were collected by the Raman inVia Reflex microspectroscopy system in the range from 3200 cm−1 to 200 cm−1 for the full-length spectrum (Fig.
The results of the research are presented in the form of graphs of the spectral characteristics of P. aeruginosa (Fig.
Averaged short-length spectrum: 2000 cm−1 − 600 cm−1 and extended full-length Raman spectrum: 3200 cm−1 − 200 cm−1 of P. aeruginosa bacteria isolated from turtle skin (a) and control strain: P. aeruginosa culture number: ATCC 27853 (b). On the abscissa axis x– Raman shift (cm-1) along the y-axis is the scattered light intensity (a.u).
The specific Raman spectra observed in this research represent an ensemble of Raman signals that arise from the different molecular vibrations of individual cell components, integrating over nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates and proteins. The resulting Raman spectra had a significant number of peaks, for which it was difficult to unambiguously assign to the type of vibrations of groups of atoms in analyte molecules. As can be seen from the graph, the scattered light intensity peaks of this bacterium species coincide in intensity and localisation in the spectral region of Raman scattering in the short and extended spectra for P. aeruginosa. The individual Raman shifts were localised at 624 cm−1, 760 cm−1, 808 cm−1, 1002 cm−1, 1032 cm−1, 1145 cm−1, 1150 cm−1, 1178 cm−1, 1207 cm−1, 1330 cm−1, 1359 cm−1, 1445 cm−1, 1580 cm−1, 1600 cm−1 and 1620 cm−1; the values and characteristics of the principal obtained components are detailed in table (Table
Raman shifts and tentative assignments of bacteria cells of P. aeruginosa isolated from turtle skin.
Raman shifts, (cm−1) | Tentative assignment a |
624 | Skeletal vibrations of aromatics rings of amino acid |
760 | Carbohydrates COO–def, CH2 rocking |
808 | Nonpolar amino acids: proline, valine; Polar, uncharged amino acid: υ (CN) tyrosine |
1002 | amino acid: Phe |
1032 | C−H in plane, Phe |
1145 | sulfonic acid residues |
1150 | Could be associated with the stretching vibration from symmetric glycosidic linkages (C–O–C) and rbr of polysaccharides or C–C str vibrations. ATP |
1178 | Aromatic amino acids: δ (C–H), Tyr, Phe; Proteins: C−H str Region |
1207 | Proteins: Amide III, C–C6H5 str. Phe, Trp |
1330 | CH deformations can be assigned to polysaccharides and lipids, as well as to protein |
1359 | υ(COO–), δ(C–H) proteins |
1445 | CH deformations can be assigned to polysaccharides and lipids, as well as to protein |
1580 (1600−1585) | C=C str, C–C str (in-ring) |
1600 (1645–1540) | C–C str (in-ring), Amide II, υ(CN), γ(NH), unsaturated lipids |
1620 (1680–1640) | Amide I |
650−600 | Proteins |
1280−1160 | Β-sheet (proteins) |
1333−1313 | CH def stretch band |
1440−1360 | υ(COO–) sym |
1460–1440 | δ(CH2) fatty acid molecules without double bonds |
1645–1545 | Amide II, υ(CN), γ(NH) |
2000–1665 | Overtones of fundamental or compound vibrations, weak vibrations |
3100−2800 | C−H str region |
All obtained spectra from P. aeruginosa bacteria had similar characteristics of the values in the studied region 1700–600 cm−1 and slightly differ only in the intensity of the peaks. Recorded spectra previously filtered from high-frequency noise (software suppression of cosmic rays) are presented in the paper for further analysis and interpretation. The specific Raman spectra observed here represent an ensemble of signals that arise from the molecular vibrations of individual cell components of gram-negative bacteria, integrating over proteins, lipids and carbohydrates (Fig.
The possibility of taking spectra of P. aeruginosa directly from the surface of Petri dishes with nutrient agar was initially studied. However, this technology added extra noise to the spectrum due to the agar on which the colonies were grown. The plastic base of the Petri dishes (transparent polystyrene) with nutrient agar on which bacterial colonies were grown (Fig.
Microscopic image of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterial cells distribution in agar: (Trypticasein Soy Lab-Agar, BioMaxima).
Previously, before Raman scattering, the quality of preparations of the nutrient medium to luminescence capability was checked out. Accordingly, the possibility of the substrate distorting the obtained Raman spectra was neutralised using bacterial suspension drops against direct spectra from the Petri dish surface. The spectra of bacterial suspensions were measured one by one.
Measurements of the bacterial suspension of samples from different groups did not reveal significant differences; however, there was a slight change in the peak height (the intensity of the Raman signal varied depending on the concentration of bacterial suspension in the test sample).
It was also experimentally confirmed that this bacterial test-suspension by McFarland 0.5 Standard method, 1.5 x 108 cells per volume unit, is suitable for Raman spectroscopy during this type of bacterium P. aeruginosa analysis and is suitable for Raman spectroscopy without the use of surface signal enhancement technique (SERS).
Each sample of studied bacteria for P. aeruginosa is characterised by individual spectral shifts of Raman scattering, which make it possible to identify them in a short time (total time for whole full-range spectrum 1–10 min) and, theoretically, makes it possible to identify a large number of cultures simultaneously. This method is characterised by high sensitivity (100 µl of the prepared suspension according to the McFarland Standard method, 1.5 x 108 cells per volume unit) and rapid microorganism identification. The spectra recorded for the same sample remain almost unchanged in the spectrum over a short time, while they could only slightly differ in signal intensity and resolution of the leading bands. It was noted that, to take high-quality, optimally-reproducible spectra, the spectrum from an object should not exceed 60 seconds from one point
The study showed the possibility of obtaining fast and high-quality Raman spectra of P. aeruginosa bacterial cells. The used parameters of laser excitation did not cause pronounced destructive changes in bacterial cells. Bacterial cells retained their integrity and cellular organelles with decreased laser beam power. However, the self-luminescence of the samples was reduced to a minimum background effect, which did not significantly affect the quality of the obtained Raman spectra. Laser diagnostics, based on Raman spectroscopy, can be considered an express method for identifying microorganisms and allows detection of the presence of a microorganism even at this concentration (1.5 x 108 cells per volume unit). The application of Raman spectroscopy is characterised by high analytical and diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, which is necessary for accurately identifying microorganisms. We can also note the high speed of obtaining results (quantitative and qualitative). The method does not require additional stages of bacterial cultivation or special sample preparation, which are important characteristics for a reliable study and provide analytical reliability and high speed for obtaining results. These advantages of the method give reason to consider it a promising universal express method for microbiological diagnosis of diseases of microbial etiology. The study’s results indicate the information content of using Raman spectroscopy to identify microorganisms. However, interpreting these changes and possibly using this technology to study other bacteria requires additional research.
We thank the two anonymous reviewers for helpful criticisms that improved the final manuscript.
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
No ethical statement was reported.
No funding was reported.
Formal analysis: AP. Investigation: IU. Methodology: IU, AP. Project administration: NŠ. Software: AP. Visualization: AP. Writing – original draft: IU, AP. Writing – review and editing: NŠ.
Aleksandrs Petjukevičs
Inta Umbraško
Natalja Škute
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text.